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Excalibur #112


Writer: Ben Raab 

Pencils: Pete Woods

Inks: Scott Koblish

Colours: Kevin Tinsely 

Letters: Richard Starkings & Comicraft

Editors: Matt Idelson & Paul Tutrone

Original Publication date: August 1997

This week, Pete and Kurt get clubby and Colossus and Meggan get chilly as we all try to survive Excalibur #112, “Survival,” in which Meggan forgets she can fly and pays the horrible price of becoming an unwilling participant in Piotr Rasputin’s hurt/comfort holodeck fantasy. Thankfully, a fresh-faced new guest, games and comics scholar Matthew Poulter, is here to help us die from exposure to tropes! Plus—digressions on bear attacks and… public transit?

On the importance of comics studies:

“Why comics studies? Because it’s interesting, because it’s everywhere… If it’s popular and people like it, it’s probably worth looking into.” -Matt

On continuity:

“I think this is a good comic in isolation and a bad comic in continuity.” -Andrew

On tropes:

“I wish the roles had been reversed here… Piotr reckoning with being less powerful, and Meggan taking the lead to save the say, would have made so much more sense with the journey each character has been on.” -Anna

On logic:

“I’d be okay with it being trope-y if it made sense. But everything we know about Meggan says that this shouldn’t happen.” -Mav

On masculinity:

“It can be interesting to see two characters who embody very different types of masculinity interacting and playing off each other.” -Anna

On themes:

“If I had to name a theme for this issue, it’s pairing up characters who haven’t really been paired up as much as they should have been.” -Andrew

On difference:

“Rahne gives Douglock this peptalk about how it’s okay to be different… and then she turns into a regular human person who can pass.” -Mav

Want more Matthew Poulter?

Want more Matthew Poulter?

Matthew Poulter is a fifth-year PhD student in the Communication and Culture program at York University, with a previous background in Film Studies at Carleton University. His primary research is on Japanese media, along with the evolution of fan culture, narrative in video games, and sexuality in comics. His current doctoral research is on the depictions of weaponized sexuality in Japanese popular culture.

Find him various spots at the social media handle @TheOvermatt and on the Doctor DC Podcast!

And! Andrew and Matt have written stuff together! Check out, “‘Cowboy Bebop’: Groundbreaking anime series earns a Netflix remake for iconic artistic fusion.”

Also! Find Austin Gorton’s writeup for ComicsXF about the interactive fan-con The Uncanny Experience right here!

And as usual:

You can find Anna on Twitter (@peppard_anna) and at Sequential Scholars (@seqscholars). 

You can find Andrew on Twitter (@ClaremontRun) and at Sequential Scholars.

You can find Mav on Twitter (@chrismaverick) and on his podcast, VoxPopcast (@VoxPopcast).


-GGW Team