Excalibur #124
Writer: Ben Raab
Pencils: Dale Eaglesham
Inks: Scott Hanna
Colours: Kevin Tinsely
Letters: Richard Starkings & Comicraft
Editing: Frank Pittarese & Jason White
Original publication date: September 1998
A certain someone called Zack Jenkins, aka the cohost of the Battle of the Atom podcast, aka the former EiC of ComicsXF, aka the Bad Boy of X-Men podcasting, joins us to fete Excalibur #124, “Someone,” featuring bachelor and bachelorette parties and much bacchanalia and the return of several somones, but unfortunately, only one of those someones gets creamed.

Reflections on new beginnings:
“HoXPoX resonated because it was interesting, compelling—and a little bit dangerous.” -Zack

On tone:
“This issue has quiet moments, with people having their feelings, but also those zany moments Alan Davis moments that people really enjoyed about Excalibur.” -Zack

On making it look right:
“I like having Dale Eagelsham on pencils here, doing his best Alan Davis impression.” -Anna

On the guest list:
“It’s a bit weird that Calvin gets to go to the bachelor party—this guy they found in a basement yesterday.” -Mav

On cake:
“I remembered Feron being covered with icing in this panel, and am concerned to realize I remembered it wrong.” -Anna

On callbacks:
“They’ve got two issues left, and they’re trying to recapture some of that Excalibur sex farce magic to the best of their ability.” -Mav

On accidents:
“There’s an interesting story unfolding, almost accidentally, around Colossus in this issue.” -Andrew

Want more Zack Jenkins?
You shouldn’t try to find Zack on the interwebs, but you should find him every week on the Battle of the Atom podcast, where he and co-host Adam Reck are ranking every X-Men story that’s ever existed.
You can also find him talking Nate Grey on the Cerebro podcast!
And as usual:
You can find Anna on Twitter (@peppard_anna) and at Sequential Scholars (@seqscholars).
You can find Andrew on Twitter (@ClaremontRun) and at Sequential Scholars.
You can find Mav on Twitter (@chrismaverick) and on his podcast, VoxPopcast (@VoxPopcast).
-GGW Team